This means that a new type of targeted Jenkins Install job should treat the Salesforce and Cvent metadata files differently from all the other metadata we are managing. Changes to those two files is routine and requires less approval than changes to archer or hewitt.
Elements of a Proposed Strategy
Currently a "config" run of the Jenkins Install job replaces all the Shibboleth configuration files with new copies checked out from Subversion.
The proposal is to add one or more new soft-config options (to be named later) that perform subsets of the "config" install. Rather than having a large number of new Jenkins options, the soft-config will be driven by the Subversion tag. That is, instead of expecting to copy everything it will expect that only a small subset of the possible files will be updated and tagged and it will only change those files.
- It will be easy and completely safe to create the metadata "additions" file that is initially empty and to which new metadata can be added between full Shibboleth release cycles.
- It would be useful if some special processing of the Salesforce and Cvent metadata files was provided so these standard changes could be handled routinely even though they modify existing files.
- Adding new release policies at the end of the existing attribute-filter.xml file should also be safe and routine.
- Adding new Attribute names (for existing unmodified queries) is the last obvious and fairly safe operation.
Then the second element of the strategy is to provide a more accurate and complete testing strategy. Currently TEST Shibboleth is connected to the TEST database instances (ACS2, IST2, IDM2, HOP4) and potentially to the TEST AD (yu.yale.net). This provides a service for those who need to use test netids, but it does not actually test what is going to go into production.
It is also true that most partners do not support TEST environments. In fact, the entire InCommon Federation has no concept of TEST and no provision for us to define our TEST Shibboleth.
However, while CAS is bound to a particular well known URL (secure.its.yale.edu/cas), Shibboleth is actually not bound to a URL or server but rather is known by the Public/Private key pair stored in its /usr/local/shibboleth-idp/credentials folder. Create a second instance of Shibboleth running on any server anywhere in the organization and give it a copy of the same credentials files and it will generate a SAML message that will be accepted as legitimate by any of our partners. While applications talk to CAS directly, all communication between Shibboleth and any application goes through the Browser. So if there is a PRE-PROD test environment with a copy of the code we propose to put into production and a copy of the Production credentials, then a Browser on a machine can use it with all the standard production apps by the obvious brute force solution of pointing the hosts file on the Browser client machine to the PRE-PROD VIP whenever the browser is redirected to "auth.yale.edu". The first time it may be necessary to approve the SSL Certificate name mismatch, but after that you have a platform to comprehensively test the exact configuration we intend to put into production.