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A Static DataConnector defines one or more property names and values. It is not necessary to define a default value for every property that you could have obtained from the correct execution of the real query, provided that a null or undefined value is acceptable for the other properties.Given the previous warning about NULL and undefined and empty, you should think twice before leaving column/property names without an explicit default value (0, 1, -1, "", "undefined", etc.). However, it is not an error to omit them if you choose. The Static DataConnector cannot throw an exception.

Every Query must have a Static Fallback DataConnector. Otherwise, if the database is down vanilla Shibboleth throws an exception and the login completely fails, even if this particular user did not need the results of that query to login to the current serviceFailover DataConnector, which may itself have a Failover, and the chain must end with a Static Connector.


Yale reorganized its attribute-resolver.xml file to emphasize the importance of a Static Failover for every query.

In vanilla Shibboleth there is no "try-catch" when evaluating attributes except for the special case of SQLExceptions thrown by a database query or NamingExceptions thrown by an LDAP query.

In the new release, the attribute-resolver file has been reorganized to emphasize the Failover relationship, and as part of the testing of the new release we will verify that Shibboleth survives the loss of access to each data source. However, it becomes an ongoing process to ensure that every time a new query is defined, a static Failover is also created and Shib is tested for that failure.

Because Shibboleth behaves catastrophically if a query fails without a failover, there is no entirely safe way to update this file. Defining new queries or attributes cannot be part of a Standard Change. It is going to require testing as part of a full Release cycle (unless it is an Emergency in the eyes of the ECAB).

The queries provide the basic data. When they are done you know stuff about the user, but different , the only errors that are caught during Attribute evaluation are query errors. Any other error (during JavaScript evaluation, or because of Shibboleth bugs) is fatal and prevents the user from logging on to any partner. Yale has added code to wrap other evaluations with a try-catch that discards attributes in error but preserves all the other attributes. Because attribute errors tend to occur only in new attributes not widely in use or old abandoned attributes no longer in use, this makes Shibboleth more robust against real world errors without impacting security. We will try to interest the Shibboleth maintainers in making this fix standard.

Once you have the data from queries, the second step is to format them as Attributes. An attribute contains the value, but it is accompanied by some names and types.

Different partners have decided to demand that the same piece of information be given different names when sent to them. Take something as simple as "first name". In China, the name that comes first the West, the last name is the family name, but in China the first name is the family name, and the individual given name comes second, so . So international standards tend to reject "first" and "last" preferring terms like "familyName" and "givenName"prefer not to base the attribute name on its position. Of course, a lot many of our partners are not familiar with international standards. So different partners will ask for only service the US. So for "Howard Gilbert", the "Howard" value will be assigned to many Attributes with names such as "FirstName", "firstName", "first_name", "givenName", "Given Name", and slightly more sophisticated partners will ask for one of three globally unique technical identifiers ("", "", and "urn:oid:").Then there are a few cases where a single named variable can have different values to different partners. The best example is E-Mail address. Most systems expect this to be passed to them as an attribute named "mail". However, at Yale you have your primary E-Mail alias ( but your can also have other aliases. This is complicated by the fact that you can have an Exchange account or a Eliapps Google account, or both. When we are sending E-Mail alias to Google, they only want to see the Google mail name, but when you send the E-Mail address to Box, they want to see your primary alias whether it is Exchange or Google4.42").

Multiple Attributes with different names can all refer back to the same query and the same database column or LDAP property name. Each Attribute is assigned a unique ID value, and the appropriately named Attribute is then released to each partner in the attribute-filter file.

It is also possible to define several Attributes with the same name but different values. For example, the attribute with name "mail" (the preferred E-Mail address) can be an alias or a direct mailbox address (that is, it can be or Which mail address to send depends on whether you are logging into Box or Coursera. So alternative Attributes with name "mail" are defined and given values, and then one of them can be released to each partner using the attribute-filter file.


The attribute-filter.xml file has a long list of rules listing the Attributes (defined in the previous section) that are released to each partner. For example


Metadata is a SAML standard format for describing the Identity Provider (Shibboleth at Yale) and the Service Provider (example: Shibboleth needs Service Provider Metadata for its partners. Although the Metadata file can be quite large and complex, the important information is the EntityID, a unique identifier for the partner, which is typically either a DNS name ( or a URL ( There is also an "AssertionConsumerService URL" that defines the URL to which Shibboleth sends the SAML message that describes the user.The relying-party.xml file defines the Metadata sources. Each source is a file that Shibboleth reads in and parses separately from the other sources. Then Shibboleth searches each source for an EntityID and it stops when it finds a matchProvider (Shibboleth at Yale) and the Service Provider (example: Shibboleth needs Service Provider Metadata for its partners. Although the Metadata file can be quite large and complex, the important information is the EntityID, a unique identifier for the partner, which is typically either a DNS name ( or a URL ( There is also an "AssertionConsumerService URL" that defines the URL to which Shibboleth sends the SAML message that describes the user.

In Shibboleth 2, the relying-party.xml file defines the Metadata sources. In Shibboleth 3, there are separate configuration files for Relying Parties and Metadata Providers.

Each Metadata Provider obtains an XML text file either from disk or from the network. Each XML file contains Metadata for a single entity or for a list of entities.

When Shibboleth needs Metadata information for a specific EntityID, it goes to the first defined Metadata source and looks for that ID. If it finds a match, Shibboleth stops looking. Otherwise it checks the second source and on until it runs out of configured Metadata sources. This "stop at the first match" means that when more than one Metadata Provider has information about an Entity, Shibboleth will use the data from the first configured Provider.

Some partners are configured through a Federation. InCommon, for example, distributes Metadata for a large number of Universities and companies that do business with universities. Periodically Shibboleth obtains updated Metadata from the URL "".

Our most important partners exchange Metadata with us directly. We store their Metadata files in a directory in Subversion, and we add a reference to the file name to the relying-party.xml file so Shibboleth will read it. We could have created a single composite Metadata file with all the information provided by all the partners. This is, after all, the way InCommon distributes its Metadata. However, we lack the resources and tools to do any elaborate parsing and validity checking of the file contents. By storing the files separately and creating a new Metadata source for each file, we insulate each file from all the other files and limit the possible damage caused by misconfigurationBecause we control these local static Metadata files, we put them first before the InCommon dynamic file we do not control.

Shibboleth has a failFastInitialization="false" parameter for each configured Metadata source. The default is "true" and causes Shibboleth to fail to start up if the Metadata is invalid. If we put Metadata directly into production, "true" would be a really, really bad idea. However, at Yale Metadata goes through DEV and TEST before it goes to PROD, and the way the Jenkins jobs interact with the Subversion tags should prevent problems only showing up in production. If we have an issue, it is better that it show up as an initialization problem for DEV and get fixed immediately rather than being something that could just slip through the cracks. Perhaps this parameter should be "true" in DEV and TEST and "false" in PROD, and that will be a change to be made in some later release.

The relying-party.xml Yale defines four categories types of Metadata sourcesProviders in the following order:

  1. The dynamic "emergency-override.xml" that is initially empty but can be used to replace production that becomes bad between releases because of something the partner did wrong.
  2. The static production partner Metadata XML files provided for archer, hewitt, communityforce, salesforce, and so on.
  3. The InCommon remote source which changes without our knowledge or control.
  4. The dynamic "additions.xml" file where new partners can be defined between releases (also associated with the additonaladditional-attribute-filter.xml file).


Runtype "salesforce" and "cvent" are proposed (for discussion) jobs runtypes that change a single Metadata file for the two partners that require frequent updates. I would like to see them become Standard Changes.
