Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


See the examples in the attribute-resolver-connectors.xml file.

Other Errors

In vanilla Shibboleth, the only errors that are caught during Attribute evaluation are query errors. Any other error (during JavaScript evaluation, or because of Shibboleth bugsan exception thrown but not caught in a JavaScript block of code, or a null value in an attribute passed to a nameid when Yale changes the rules and give login privileges to people who have unexpectedly less connection to the university and therefore lack even basic identity variables) is fatal and prevents the user from logging on to any partner. In Shibboleth 2 Yale has added code to wrap other evaluations with a try-catch that discards attributes in error but preserves all the other attributes. Because attribute errors tend to occur only in new attributes not widely in use or old abandoned attributes no longer in use, this makes Shibboleth more robust against real world errors without impacting security. We will try to interest the Shibboleth maintainers in making this fix standard.

One column/property returned by a query may be used with many different AttributeDefinition statements, each with a different id name and each with a different Encoder configuration. This generates different SAML statements in which the same value is given different names to different partners who expect those names. Some partners like the old LDAP names that are actually a string of numbers. Some like newer Oasis standard names that look like a URL. Some partners simply make up a name and expect us to provide it. The value of firstname in the database column could be used to generate SAML that labels it as "FirstName", "firstName", "first_name", "givenName", "Given Name", and slightly more sophisticated partners will ask for one of three globally unique technical identifiers ("", "", and "urn:oid:"). In addition to different technical standards, there is also confusion because in the Far East the family name comes first and the individual name comes last.

It is also possible to define several Attributes with the same SAML Encoder name string, but with different values. For example, the simple attribute "mail" can refer to the Yale primary Email alias or it can refer to the native mailbox name of the primary account, and I suppose for some partners in some cases it might refer to a non-Yale preferred mailbox. Each AttributeDefinition will have a unique id string, and you should be careful not to release to any party two attributes with the same SAML name but different values because that will just confuse them.


The attribute-filter.xml file has a long list of rules listing the Attributes (defined in the previous section) that are released to each partner. For example


may or may not be able to add this change to Shibboleth 3 where the underlying code has changed. Besides, we have been burned by most of the errors and maybe have learned to avoid them.


The attribute-filter.xml file has a long list of rules listing the Attributes (defined in the previous section) that are released to each partner. For example

Code Block
    <afp:AttributeFilterPolicy id="releaseToCommunityForceStaging">
        <afp:PolicyRequirementRule xsi:type="basic:AttributeRequesterString" value="" />
        <afp:AttributeRule attributeID="givenName"><afp:PermitValueRule xsi:type="basic:ANY" /></afp:AttributeRule>
        <afp:AttributeRule attributeID="sn"><afp:PermitValueRule xsi:type="basic:ANY" /></afp:AttributeRule>
        <afp:AttributeRule attributeID="mail"><afp:PermitValueRule xsi:type="basic:ANY" /></afp:AttributeRule>


Therefore, Shibboleth allows the Attribute-Filter function to be broken up into more than one file. We take advantage of this by creating an attribute-filter.xml file that contains the attributes released to each partner as of an official Shibboleth Release, but then an addtional-attribute-filter.xml file exists initially empty that can be changed between formal releases. The addtional file can either create a new filter policy for a new partner, or it could add an additional attribute to an existing partner.

However, you can only release attributes defined by attribute-resolver.xml, and that does not change between releases.

Relying-Party and Metadata

Metadata is a SAML standard format for describing the Identity Provider (Shibboleth at Yale) and the Service Provider (example: Shibboleth needs Service Provider Metadata for its partners. Although the Metadata file can be quite large and complex, the important information is the EntityID, a unique identifier for the partner, which is typically either a DNS name ( or a URL ( There is also an "AssertionConsumerService URL" that defines the URL to which Shibboleth sends the SAML message that describes the user.

In Shibboleth 2, the relying-party.xml file defines the Metadata sources. In Shibboleth 3, there are separate configuration files for Relying Parties and Metadata Providers.

Each Metadata Provider obtains an XML text file either from disk or from the network. Each XML file contains Metadata for a single entity or for a list of entities.

When Shibboleth needs Metadata information for a specific EntityID, it goes to the first defined Metadata source and looks for that ID. If it finds a match, Shibboleth stops looking. Otherwise it checks the second source and on until it runs out of configured Metadata sources. This "stop at the first match" means that when more than one Metadata Provider has information about an Entity, Shibboleth will use the data from the first configured Provider.

Some partners are configured through a Federation. InCommon, for example, distributes Metadata for a large number of Universities and companies that do business with universities. Periodically Shibboleth obtains updated Metadata from the URL "".

Our most important partners exchange Metadata with us directly. We store their Metadata files in a directory in Subversion, and we add a reference to the file name to the relying-party.xml file so Shibboleth will read it. Because we control these local static Metadata files, we put them first before the InCommon dynamic file we do not controlan addtional-attribute-filter.xml file exists initially empty that can be changed between formal releases. The addtional file can either create a new filter policy for a new partner, or it could add an additional attribute to an existing partner.

However, you can only release attributes defined by attribute-resolver.xml, and that does not change between releases.


The relying-party.xml file has three types of definitions:

An Anonymous Relying Party is a partner who sends a SAML Request message to Shibboleth with an EntityID that does not match any configured Metadata. You may decide not to support them at all, but it is probably safe to send back a response with a unique Subject. In a simpler time before modern security and privacy concerns Yale adopted a lax policy for anonymous services and at some time both Shibboleth and CAS should be changed to be more strict.

The Default Relying Party configures the behavior of every partner who does not have a specific exception. At Yale we configure the Default Relying Party to receive attributes that are not encrypted, because if you want encryption just use SSL but in the meantime encrypted attributes are impossible to debug.

Specific Relying Party configurations could force encryption if we needed to do it, but we have no examples currently at Yale.

More About Metadata

SAML Metadata can have a ton of useless information. There are four things that are actually important:

  • The entityID value provides a unique string that identifies the partner.
  • The AssertionConsumerService Location parameter defines the URL to which a SAML Response will be sent. No Response will be sent to any URL that is not a listed ACS Location. One ACS element can be flagged as the Default (which is implied when there is only one ACS element) and it becomes the URL to which SAML Response are sent when no URL is provided in the Request.
  • One or more <NameIDFormat> elements can be provided, and they help select the format and value of the Subject.
  • The Metadata indicates if the partner uses SAML2 or SAML1 protocol.

Shibboleth has a failFastInitialization="false" parameter for each configured Metadata source. The default is "true" and causes Shibboleth to fail to start up if the Metadata is invalid. If we put Metadata directly into production, "true" would be a really, really bad idea. However, at Yale Metadata goes through DEV and TEST before it goes to PROD, and the way the Jenkins jobs interact with the Subversion tags should prevent problems only showing up in production. If we have an issue, it is better that it show up as an initialization problem for DEV and get fixed immediately rather than being something that could just slip through the cracks. Perhaps this parameter should be "true" in DEV and TEST and "false" in PROD, and that will be a change to be made in some later release.


Code Block
      <md:AssertionConsumerService Binding="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST" 
		Location="" index="12"/>
      <md:AssertionConsumerService Binding="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST" 
		Location="" index="13"/>
      <md:AssertionConsumerService Binding="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST" 
		Location="" index="14"/>

The next time someone comes up with a new Salesforce application, it will be index="15" and will have its own unique Location value.

We may add special types of Jenkins Installs (runtype=salesforce and runtype=cvent) that replace just this one file. The bad news is that if the new Metadata is bad it will break existing Salesforce or Cvent applications, but the type of edit here is fairly simple and any mistakes should show up in DEV and TEST. Futhermore, the Shibboleth isloation of Metadata sources and the decision to configure files separately in relying-party.xml ensure that changes to Salesforce only affects Salesforce applications and nothing else.


		Location="" index="14"/>

The next time someone comes up with a new Salesforce application, it will be index="15" and will have its own unique Location value.