YSB 4.2 DeploymentDev team to walk through the Acceptance Criteria more deliberately in refinement Dev: User stories needs to be broken down more in refinement and in advance (example: Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 0ff96486-f711-332c-a18e-be3fd600929c |
key | CUS-13587 |
| )Raise red flag further in advance Estimates need to reflect planning on working on one story at once
Sprint Cloud AtlasAsk more questions in refinement about specifics in implementation Involve other technical collaborators during initial planning phase, specifically around system architecture Versioning must be a part of all development moving forward to help with individual deployments QA and Dev could include system/browser specifics in bugs/defects Team needs to document standards and practices around PDFs To DoAction Item: Standardize and document process for ensuring versioning for all features moving forward
Team Lessons LearnedAction Item Chris Cadden - review the design standard documents in the weekly dev meeting Action Item: Chris Cadden to collaborate with Grecia Briseno to formalize standard documentation of design Action Item: Dev team to commit to documenting reusable, successful tools in the moment Action Item: Dev team to review Application Feature Inventory - /wiki/spaces/CADKS/pages/4049371146 Action Item: Nestor Rodriguez Ayala and Chris Cadden to ensure that all documented standards (check lists and templates) include Security and Accessibility planning. If it does not yet exist, create documentation.