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The Legacy ADDailyUpdater code adds two ProxyAddresses “” and “” to some the 17,000 student Primary Eliapps User objects. These entries are misleading to a personwhen viewed, but they have no affect on any actual mail processing and do not confuse Exchange Online. These AD User objects are MailUsers with an have to be fixed.

Exchange Online first looks at the type of User before looking at the ProxyAddresses. It discovers these users are of type “MailUser” (meaning they have no O365 mailbox and so mail passes through Exchange and is forwarded to what Exchange calls the ExternalEmailAddress (called a TargetAddress in AD). They do not have an O365 Mailbox and Exchange knows that even though there are “” entries in the ProxyAddresses list. Again, this is not something that has to be fixed to retire the Mail Relays, but after the ADDailyUpdater is replaced by the IIQ AD Updater function, these incorrect entries should be deleted. Also, any msExchVersion number or other msExchxxxx fields incorrectly set by Legacy ADDailyUpdater should be cleared. This will be a one time Powershell cleanup done after we stop running ADDailyUpdater

In theory, if anyone misaddressed mail to for a student, Exchange would forward it to their Eliapps account, which is probably better than bouncing it back, but this is not a “feature” worth adding a misleading entry to the AD which will only confuse IAM and Help Desk administrators.

This cannot be fixed while the Legacy ADDailyUpdater is running, but once it is either fixed or retired then a one time Powershell script should delete all these unnecessary ProxyAddresses.