Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Method: POST

  • Input (payload in JSON):

    Code Block
      "login": "<username for the API (REQUIRED)>",
      "unitCode": "<ycba|yuag|ypm (REQUIRED)>",
      "filename": "<name of file (REQUIRED)>",
      "hotFolderPath": "<path underneath the root of the shared drop area (REQUIRED)>",
      "uploadChecksum": "<checksum of the file in the hotfolder (REQUIRED)>",
      "cmsType": "<cms type (REQUIRED)>",
      "cmsId": <cmsid (int, REQUIRED)>, 
      "ingestRequested": <true|false (REQUIRED)>,
      "netxFolderID": <folder where the asset should be placed in netx (int, REQUIRED)>,
      "preservicaSecurityTag": "id of the security policy for the asset in preservica (REQUIRED)",
      "preservicaColRef": "uuid of the target folder for the asset in preservica (REQUIRED)",
      "cdsAccessMaster": "<N|P (REQUIRED)>",
      "cdsAccessTIFF": "<N|P (REQUIRED)>",
      "cdsAccessJPEG": "<N|U|P (REQUIRED)>",
      "cdsMaxSizeTIFF": <int (REQUIRED)>,
      "cdsMaxSizeJPEG": <int (REQUIRED)>
      "unitRank": "<int>",
      "cdsPrimary": <int>,
      "cdsRank": <int>,
      "mimeType": "<mime type>",
      "uuid": "<uuid>",
      "nativeid": <int>,
      "imageCredit": "<credit>",
      "imageCaption": "<caption>",
      "imageCopyright": "<copyright>",
      "copyrightInfoURL": "<url>",
      "copyrightStatus": "<status>",
      "usageTerms": "<terms>",
      "imageSource": "<source>",
      "headline": "<headline>",
      "imageKeywords": "<keywords>",
      "jobIdentifier": "<id>",
      "creator": "<creator>",
      "creatorRole": "<role>",
      "imageTitle": "<title>",
      "instructions": "<instructions>",
      "bitDepth": "<depth>",
      "colorProfile": "<profile>",
      "imageSupplier": "<supplier>",
      "lens": "<lens>",
      "lensMake": "<make>",
      "lensModel": "<model>",
      "serialNumber": "<sn>",
      "imageWidth": <int>,
      "imageHeight": <int>,
      "datePhotoTaken": "<date>",
      "tomestone": "<tombstone>",
      "useStub": <true|false>
  • Output (application/json):

    Code Block
      assetID: <int>,
      errorCode: <int>,
      errorMessage: ""