This is a technical multi-step process which is to be performed by a technical resource whom administers the AWS account, not ITS. A high level overview:
Applicable AWS ALB is applicable to low-risk data classification, web-apps
Review of domain name selection and website content by YaleSites, or Yale School of Medicine (“YSM”)
Backend load balancing target must use HTTPS, e.g., IIS, nginx, apache with self-signed certificate
yale.edu HTTPS SSL Certificates can use AWS Certificate Manager (“ACM”) - for the public facing load balancer
ALB can be setup manually, using command line, or with terraform as illustrated below
DNS requests for yale.edu domain name requested of “DNS” group in ServiceNow
example.yale.edu: example-yale-edu.661617135${AWSaccountID}.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com.