Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

The following is a suggested checklist for testing by humans.


Test for each action 

  • Create

  • Update access level

  • Update metadata

  • Delete


Pick an object that you know has been ingested via the metadata activity stream, and retrieve the manifest its unit code and CMS ID:


  • Does it conform to the IIIF presentation API version 3?

  • Does it contain the correct list of canvases and images according to the access level (cds_acces_master, cds_access_tiff, cds_access_jpeg)?

  • Do the canvas and image items have correct width and height values that conforms to the size limits (cds_maxsize_tiff and cds_maxsize_jpeg)?

  • Does it contain the correct metadata?

  • Does it contain links to stock TIFFs and/or master media files when applicable?

IIIF images

From a manifest, pick an image, construct a URL(s), and retrieve the image.


  • Is the full size image conform to the size limit set by cds_maxsize_tiff? 

Check in viewers

Pass the manifest to a test viewer and test.

... (Mirador 3, manifest V2)

Metadata activity stream

Currently no units implement the activity stream strictly according to the spec. Therefore instead of testing individual activities, we probably have to consider it a one-time bulk upload and only check for the consistency of CDS2 API with the source data. 

Hints for locating elements in a manifest


  • Canvas: items[n]

  • URL of image service (location of info.json): items[[n].items[0].items[0].body.service[“@id”]

  • URL of full size image: items[n].items[0].items[0]

  • URL of stock PDF or master media file: items[n].rendering[0].id


  • Canvas: sequences[0].canvases[n]

  • URL of image service (location of info.json): sequences[0].canvases[n].images[0].resource[‘@id’]

  • URL of full size image: sequences[0].canvases[n].images[0].resource[‘@id’]
